Recent developments in MgO-C can lead to a quantum jump in quality.
Optimize Magnesia Carbon recipe with recent advances in science:
MgO-C bricks have become an integral part of iron and steel industry over last 20 years.
A lot has advanced in the recipe of these bricks since its use in the industry. With Total Refractory Management (TRM) as a service from progressive refractory manufacturers, it is imperative to optimizing heat cycles and reduce cost of Magnesia Carbon refractories per ton of steel produced.
Recent developments in use of nano carbons, antioxidants such as Al, Si, B4C and SiC, mixing recipe and treatment time combinations all have significant improvement possibilities. In this research paper, Dr. Soumya Mukherjee tests various recipes of these bricks with recent materials and provides in insight on improving properties of these bricks in oxidation%, HMOR values, CCS, BD and AP.
Research paper link: Source: Researchnet. Author: Soumya Mukherjee, S. Pramanik, Siddhartha Mukherjee.